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Thank you!

Researching this region's rich history has been a wonderful opportunity, and much of its completion is due to ample support of others. I am grateful for their invaluable contributions.


Dr. Brian Schoen, my advisor

for supervising this project during the pandemic, and for the feedback, encouragement, and patience throughout this process.


The Chesterhill Multicultural Genealogical Center

for access to their Perdreau Collection, which held many of the primary sources I used. 


The Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections

for access to their materials and assistance with my research.


David Butcher, Curator of the People of Color Exhibit

for access to his exhibit and further information about his family's rich history, and for reading through relevant sections of my drafts. David's enthusiasm for local Black history is an inspiration, and I am very grateful that he has shared that.


The Southeast Ohio History Center

for access to their library and collections. 


David Suman

for including me in the creation of the wonderful Black History Tour, which served as inspiration for my thesis. Additionally, for his ongoing support as a friend and sounding board. 


Elias Jablonski 

for his extremely helpful contributions as a proofreader. More importantly, for his endless support, friendship and patience throughout the process of researching and creating this website.


My family and friends

For their continued support through the highs and lows of this project. I cannot overstate my gratitude and appreciation.


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